Yellowstone lake is at an elevation of 7733 ft. The area takes up 131.7 square miles. Average depth is about 140 feet. Maximum depth though is 410 feet. Average summer temperature of the water is 45 degrees F. This is the largest lake at this elevation in the United States.
Here I am standing at the heighest Continental Divide sign within the park boundaries.
There are two levels of this large waterfall in the park. We drove up to one segment featured in the picture below.
Then we drove to the other segment featured in the picture below this.
This area is named for the Shoshone Indians who lived in this mountainous region. Their use of the big horn sheep earned them the name of "Tukadika" or "Sheepeaters". The cliff is basalt lava that formed "columnar joints" when it cooled nearly 500,000 years ago.
The picture below is just another shot of some of the beautiful scenery within the park.
Finally, when we arrived at the Canyon Village Visitor's Center, we saw all these elk just laying around outside one of the administration buildings. I wonder how the people get in and out of there? Anyway, an unusual site to see to say the least.

Well, this concludes all of our posting on Yellowstone National Park. We just loved this park and I really wish everyone could visit it just once in their lives.
See ya down the road !
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