After leaving Yellowstone National Park we headed east towards Cody, Wyoming. While there for our short visit we went to the Buffalo Bill Historical Center where we spent 5 1/2 hours roaming around all the rooms. The cost is $15 per person and well worth every penny.
We did not take pictures while inside but while there they had a tribal indian performance involving different dances and an explantation was given as to what the dances mean to the tribes. It was a beautiful show.
While in Cody we went to the Old Trail Town. It was nearby our campground and it was $8 a person to tour all the old buildings and establishments. Below is a picture of one side of the town.

There were many wagons there and also a black smith shop where repairs would have been done.

The picture below is of the Hole in the Wall Gang. This building was originally in Buffalo Creek and was built in 1883. It was a rendevous for Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid and other outlaws of the region.

The building below is the actual cabin that I mentioned above.
This picture below is of the inside of one of the homesteaders cabins. They were pretty neat - if you are into the dead-animal thing.....

Here is Jeff who wanted to check out the local saloon in the Old Trail Town. There was a player piano. It is said that Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid were actually at that very same bar.
This is one of the general store buildings. Inside there are glass counters with a lot of the original type of items inside.

This picture below is of the actual grave and a statue of Jeremiah Johnston. The movie of his life portrayed Robert Redford in the role of Jeremiah Johnston. His body was moved there and when the burial took place the actor actually came to town to be a pall bearer.

The picture below is of a hearse that was used in the 1800's. That was one fancy ride, albeit it your last ride!
See ya down the road !