I could take a zillion pictures - but I'll share just a few below.
The first picture if of a Koala - it isn't a bear as many think. It is not of the bear family.
This guy was just staring out into space. Laid back and resting. He could care less that WE
were staring at him through the glass windows.
This was taken of me at the entrance to the zoo. It is as close as they would let me get to an elephant.
This is my pic which I call "drunk giraffe". He is, of course, NOT drunk - he just looks it!
The male of the Polar bear species was swimming around the pool and the female took a bunch of palm fronds and laid them out under her cave area and just went to sleep.

I can't even remember what this animal is below. But it stood so still we thought it was a statue until it suddenly moved.
I can't even remember what this animal is below. But it stood so still we thought it was a statue until it suddenly moved.
Look at the little meerkat below. He was so awesome. He kept standing up or sitting on his hind legs and posed all day!
See ya down the road!
--more San Diego to follow--
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