I feel very fortunate that some of our family was able to come up to visit over the Thanksgiving Holiday.
My birthday was last week, close to Thanksgiving, so my son was able to come for a visit from South Florida.

I also got to visit with my grand-pet, Enzo, (since I have no grand-kids, he's it!)....He is such a sweet doggie!

I got only one picture with my son and I - and it was taken by Grandma - not too steady a hand, but it got the job done.....

The picture below is of Larry and my mom.....everyone is hanging in there as you can see....

Finally the day is here, the bird is in the oven, and as you can see Larry is 'anxiously' awaiting its arrival.

WOW - it is ready ! She has great breasts doesn't she ? (oops, probably shouldn't say that)

This little 14 pounder was cut up and on the table jiffy quick. We enjoyed every bite and gave thanks to all that joined in our feast and maybe next year we can get the rest of of the family up here.........

See ya'll later !